March 12th, 2010 §
New Zealand Geographic featured a nice article about Rob’s TankCam, otherwise known as RoboCam (nice touch guys!). If you’re interested in a behind-the-scenes look of the Fairy terns shoot please check out the article here and Rob’s video here.
Let us know what you think, it’s always great to hear your feedback!

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December 15th, 2009 §
TANKCAM (‘Rob-o-cam’). Tough assignment to film NZ’s rarest bird – the Fairy Tern for NZ Geographic Magazine. Less than 40 birds known, they nest in the open and human disturbance may stop breeding.
Solution was to build a remote control
vehicle that I could very slowly inch towards the nest over an hour while we monitored the birds’ reaction and leave it set up to capture intimate scenes (very, as you’ll see below!). So that’s why I built TankCam. We’ve kept the highly successful assignment under wraps until now. This video tells the story and gives you an idea of three days worth of filming, behind the scenes. Please view and post your comments – it’s great to get your feedback:
Why not use a large telephoto lens you might ask? … > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
August 12th, 2009 §
With Whitebait season due to start in New Zealand on the 15th August, we thought we would share some of the wonderful photos in the collection
that highlight the beauty of this popular local delicacy…..
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June 2nd, 2009 §
Just wanted to share with you a use of one of our images we’re proud of.
For 46 years the United Nations Handbook has been printed as the only comprehensive guide to the United Nations system, and how it works. It summarises all UN Organisations and provides essential info on their aims, structures and memberships.
The Handbook is used by all those who operate in, or with, the UN. And currently they have a Rob Suisted photo on the cover! And one of our iconic images at that. We’re pretty stoked about the many thousands of copies globally, some of which are being thumbed by some pretty important folks!
United Nations Handbook cover by Rob Suisted
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May 25th, 2009 §
Just loving looking out the office window at the horizontal rain flying past (STILL!).Â

Southerly still blasting, and feels like it will never end. Best thing however… is when you can take your out of town visitors to the Wellington South Coast and scare the living daylights out of them as you watch the planes taking off and landing!
Here’s a few past images of storms hitting Wellington to make you wish you were here.

Walking along wild coast
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May 13th, 2009 §
Rob created some new shots featuring New Zealand
made products for a project we’re doing for a well known overseas travel guidebook.Â
The photograph was put together in the studio and our purpose was to showcase a variety of natural goods grown in New Zealand such as Manuka Honey, quality olive oil, wine and cheeses, paua shell, merino and possum wool, greenstone/poumanu etc
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May 5th, 2009 §
Do you feel it? That sense of impending gloom as we say goodbye to autumn
and plunge headfirst into winter. Are you longing for some small reminder of Summer to get you through?
Don’t worry we have the solution, so just sit back and relax and take a seasonal tour through the Nature’s Pic Images website. We have a great keyword search available on the website, which provides a really simple and effective way of finding images related to a specific theme, for example SUMMER ….. > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
April 22nd, 2009 §
We have just uploaded some glorious shots taken during the grape harvest in the Wairarapa last weekend.
 Harvest time |
 Harvest time |
 Harvest time |
It was one of those gorgeous autumnal days where the air was still and the sun shone, and the creative photographic juices started to flow….
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April 21st, 2009 §
We just love this photo of a cheeky little Kea investigating

What's for lunch?
a tramper’s pack, and are delighted that it has earned itself a place in postcard history. Craig Potton Postcards has added this image to its high quality range of postcards and we couldn’t be more pleased.
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April 9th, 2009 §
We hope you all enjoyed a well deserved break over the Easter holidays.   Autumn in New Zealand is such a beautiful time, especially in the South with the leaves turning golden, and first snow on the mountains. Rob took this photo of Mount Cook/Aoraki by Lake Pukaki last year. Awesome!!!

Aoraki/Mount Cook
Don’t forget you can request a quote or order images via the website or by email to at any time, and we will make sure this is followed up as soon as possible. > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
April 3rd, 2009 §
I suspect Rob knows that I am a bit of a townie!! Before he left for his latest adventure he handed me the transcript of the diary of Mr A Sutherland, well known in hunting circles for his “early exploratory trips and hunting of the Wapiti herds of the Fiordland area” in the earlier part of the 20th century.

Alpine Tarn above the Glaisnock River Valley
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March 20th, 2009 §

As you can see we have joined the world of blogging, and we hope you will enjoy reading our posts. Not only will be be showcasing some of our favorite images, we will share with you some exceptional examples of how Rob’s images are used by clients.
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March 14th, 2009 §
Starting out with a favourite image taken especially for my next book project.Â

Mount Ngauruhoe panorama
Twas taken on the coldest morning of the winter, after a chilly night in the tent perched on the side of Mt Ruapehu….  Â
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