Windy Wellington is a blast

May 25th, 2009 § 3

Just loving looking out the office window at the horizontal rain flying past (STILL!).Â
Loving the Wellington weather
Southerly still blasting, and feels like it will never end.  Best thing however… is when you can take your out of town visitors to the Wellington South Coast and scare the living daylights out of them as you watch the planes taking off and landing!

Here’s a few past images of storms hitting Wellington to make you wish you were here.

Walking along wild coast

Walking along wild coast

Racing the storm

Racing the storm

Bring a bucket


We have a great collection of images related to stormy weather available.  Just click on the following link to see some of our gloriously stormy weather – KEEPING IT REAL 

Janette – Business Manager

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§ 3 Responses to “Windy Wellington is a blast”

  • Umm I love the stormy weather too. I’m in Christchurch- having started off viewing ‘naturespic’ , and then joining ‘kea’ something or other – and then being introduced to ‘twitter’ – I already feel like I am stalking you and don’t even know you. Obviously I am not stalking you and just wanted to ask if I could use one of your images? They are excellent. Plus according to ‘twitter I am now an official ‘follower’ of yours.

    It is very time consuming all this R & D.

    Look forward to making your acquaintance when you next pass through Christchurch.

  • Janette says:

    Getting really cold here now!! Thanks for your comments. Don’t worry we don’t mind being stalked by fans. I have sent through a reply re using the image to your email address.

  • Rob says:

    We like being stalked so long as you’re armed with homemade chocolate cake and a better coffee than we can make…

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