Please welcome our guest blogger Aliscia Young, who had a chance to join Rob on a helicopter photo shoot over the Marlborough Sounds. Aliscia is a very talented New Zealand documentary photographer specialising in nature and fashion photography, and has a BDes Hons 2008 from Massey University. Rob was interviewed by Aliscia during her study and has watched her work develop. There was an opportunity for Aliscia to join Rob on a commerical aerial film shoot for Tourism New Zealand. Here are Aliscia’s thoughts…
Check out some of her work below. She has exhibited at 5 Stories High Gallery, Wellington and if you’d like to see more of Aliscia’s work or get in touch, please email: Thanks for the kind words Aliscia!

The other day Rob invited me to join him to photograph from a helicopter around the top of the South Island. The night before we set out Rob said, “forgot to ask if you’re okay with flying. Doors will be off and it’ll be up and down and all over the place…good fun.” Thank goodness I don’t experience flying sickness, I thought to myself… > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
I’m regularly asked about making money from stock photography. Here are some thoughts:
Producing quality stock photography requires a huge commitment. The business models are changing continuously and will continue to change in the future, but through your hard work, keeping the faith and producing quality work then it might just work.
The trouble is there are plenty of places to flog your work for a pittance (or likely a big loss) these days such as the micro-stock industry like I-stock, and it’s becoming harder to find a sensible route. Photography has been commoditised* and if you want to make some dough you need to figure out a way around this problem. It seems like everywhere you turn there’s a chance to make a few cents from your photos – but a little thought easily uncovers a major problem:
Recently I met a Canadian chap (not a local canadian boy whose name rhymes with ‘potatto’ I should stress) who proudly told me that he’d licenced 268 images. I was impressed because I knew he took the odd photo, so I was keen to learn more. He proudly told me he’d made “$67.00″ total for all 268 images through an online microstock website! I asked him why he bothered for that tiny amount given the huge amount of work and expense he’s put in? “To make some money” was his reply. $0.25 per license isn’t making money – it doesn’t even cover the time taken to upload the images (let alone equipment, travel, or even make some income), but this seemed irrelevant to him. In his mind he’d made some money. I wondered if he’d ever work willingly for someone on this return? I bet not – so why had he been taken advantage of so easily? … > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
Wow, we just had this comment emailed to the office today that made our day. We asked Glenn if we could share it with you via our blog and he has kindly agreed. So thanks Glenn. I’m proud to have had such an impact, and very grateful for the kindness of your comments, and the time you took to let us know. Thanks and best regards, Rob

Hi, my name is Glenn Cox and I am an Australian teaching in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I just want to say your work is an inspiration to me. I lived for a time (5 years from 1988 to 1993) in NZ and am seriously thinking of returning to NZ to live with my Indonesian family at the conclusion of my time teaching here in Indonesia. Your photos are a blessing and joy to behold and give me a huge lift when I am feeling down. I often just leave one of the panoramas open on my computer screen while I work at my desk.
I have never seen photos of the grandeur of your photos. They are absolutely beautiful, and make me long for the day when > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >