Had an enjoyable interview last night with Brian Crump on Radio New Zealand. He was keen to talk about my photographs on the new New Zealand bank notes (shown below). Listen to the interview here. We’ve had lots of nice feedback about it, thanks.

NZ bank notes, showing some of the photos by Rob Suisted

Click to listen to Rob Suisted’s Radio New Zealand interview
There were some photos we talked about during the interview shown below…

Gareth Morgan portrait discussed in the interview, photo and concept by Rob Suisted

Some NZ Post postage stamps featuring photos by Rob Suisted
Rob Suisted’s Wilderness Photography here: Wilderness Gallery | Rob Suisted’s Wildlife Photography here: Wildlife Gallery.
Tagged: Add new tag, Antarctica, Brian Crump, Gareth Morgan, New Zealand Bank Notes, New Zealand postage stamps, Nights, Postage stamps, Radio interview, Radio New Zealand, Reserve Bank, Wilderness, wildlife photography
@RobSuisted love your work. Thought the mushroom thing was a fake meme
(Via Twitter)
@RobSuisted Very engaging! Your love of the outdoors and your respect for the places and animals you document are as real as your images. (Via Twitter)
@RobSuisted Just listened to it. Great stuff. Had to move it to the top of my podcast list to listen to it first. (Via Twitter)
@RobSuisted @rnz It was most informative & enjoyable. What a wonderfully diverse adventurous life. Will make a great book someday. (Via Twitter)