Radio New Zealand National Interview

February 3rd, 2010 § 5

Radio New Zealand National Rob had a great long interview with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand National yesterday. Have a listen here to hear Rob speak about his new book, life and some of his great adventures.

Any thoughts? Rob would love to hear your feedback!

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§ 5 Responses to “Radio New Zealand National Interview”

  • Hi Rob

    I wanted to say how much I enjoyed this interview. I was impressed that you were keen to encourage others to follow their dreams and that you held your ground when Kathryn said (something along the lines of) that it takes a high income to live your dream. I think that too many of us now equate money with happiness. In my travels through some of the poorest countries in the world I have seen the greatest joy in people from the simplest things/gestures.

    I look forward to your next interview.

  • john tawharu says:

    Hi Rob
    Just listened to your interview on Sunday morning over breakfast at home here at mount maunganui. Great to hear you share your thoughts and experiences in your life. Really enjoyed listening to your stories and way you are thinking about life. I have always looked at your photos on NZ city while i check out the weather. I will look at your work in enriched way after hearing your interview.

    Cheers john tawharu

  • Rob says:

    Dear John
    That’s very kind of you to take the time to comment & give such nice feedback; it’s made my day.
    Kia Ora

  • Warren says:

    Hi Rob,
    It is now a year later and I am hearing this interview with Kathryn Ryan for the first time. My 7 year old son has homework “find some information about Rob Suisted to share with the class”. I have enjoyed listening to this interview, hearing about your experiences and I think it’s fantastic that schools are researching the work that you have done. Hopefully the local library will have copies of your books … look forward to reading them.

    Regards, Warren

  • Rob says:

    Hi Warren. Thanks for the nice compliments. Can’t believe I’m part of homework! I really enjoy inspiring kids to follow their heart, with talks at schools etc, so your comment has made my day. Thanks, Rob

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