New books and an enjoyable radio interview

October 2nd, 2012 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Just had my 10th and 11th books hit the book shops; very satisfying to see them

Thoroughly enjoyed a RadioLive interview with Graeme Hill.  Have a listen here for why Triffids were mentioned in the interview about NZ flowers, why NZ flowers are mostly white in colour, and the parasitic native orchid that gets its life from sucking it out of other plants:

CLICK to listen to interview with Rob Suisted

CLICK to listen to interview with Rob Suisted

Some other promotion included: The Press Christchurch Oct-1-2012, Stuff Website, Yahoo, GardensNZ, MindFood Magazine

Good Morning TV, 12th Sept 2011 interview

September 9th, 2011 § 2 comments - add yours

Rob Suisted was interviewed again by Sarah Bradley on Good Morning TVNZ, yesterday morning.

Click to view

Click to view the interview

Rob Suisted's new book titles due any day - New Zealand Birds book, and National Parks BookHe was talking about his 8th & 9th books just released.  Let us know how you think the interview went.  All the best.

Radio New Zealand National Interview

February 3rd, 2010 § 5 comments - add yours

Radio New Zealand National Rob had a great long interview with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand National yesterday. Have a listen here to hear Rob speak about his new book, life and some of his great adventures.

Any thoughts? Rob would love to hear your feedback!

Radio interview 95bFM Nov 2009

November 10th, 2009 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Another interview by Simon Miller on Radio 95bFM, about my new book Majestic New Zealand, recent adventures, and conservation.

Click here for a listen:audio

Update 22 Jan 2010: We now have signed copies of Majestic New Zealand available for supporters. If you’d like to consider a copy, have a look here.

Being interviewed on RadioLive Saturday, 11.30AM

November 6th, 2009 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

I’ve just been interviewed by Graeme Hill on RadioLive for EnviroNews, about my new book Majestic New Zealand, recent adventures, life and a bit of philosphy.
audioClick here if you missed it live and would like a listen.

Update 22 Jan 2010: We now have signed copies of Majestic New Zealand available for supporters. If you’d like to consider a copy, have a look here.

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