We licensed our third photo for tattoo use recently, and our client shared the result, committing the photo to skin forever.
Original file is here, and the other tattoo photos are here.
August 1st, 2022 § 0 comments, Add the 1st
We licensed our third photo for tattoo use recently, and our client shared the result, committing the photo to skin forever.
Original file is here, and the other tattoo photos are here.
March 24th, 2019 § 0 comments, Add the 1st
We just received photos of another of Rob’s amazing iconic native NZ Falcon (Karearea) photos committed to skin permanently. We’re blown away how this tattoo has come out, and honoured to have Nick Aston consider using it.
December 16th, 2011 § 4 comments - add yours
Some things stand out in my working photographic career; but having a photo tattooed onto skin, as a living memorial, has to be a remarkable compliment.
Nick Johns contacted me for permission to use a photo as a memorial to his brother. Some things cross boundaries, and this does for me – creating an image someone feels is good enough to permanently etch onto their body in honour of someone they have lost, is very humbling.
Nick wanted to tell everyone that his brother died as a consequence of drug addiction. ” We are all addicted to something in this life. But the trouble with drugs for the addict is they progress, as Tim did from the so called harmless drugs, Marijuana etc to eventually the hard drugs, in Tim’s case Methamphetamine. The only good thing to come out of this, is it has shown the next generation in our families how drugs will destroy lives. It destroyed their awesome Uncle Tim whom they all loved so very much.”
Thank you Nick for wanting to share this, and for creating a very humbling experience for me, from what is a very sad experience and loss for you. We’d both love to hear your comments if you’d like to post any here.
You can learn more about how the image was originally captured for the cover of NZ Geographic Magazine, and how it was also used by a church with a great sense of humour. There are more photos of this remarkable species, the New Zealand Falcon, here, and we’ve created a special quality canvas print. Further, we selected it to be used as preface to Majestic New Zealand book because it’s a special shot that captures the essence of a remarkable but endangered creature.
September 20th, 2010 § 3 comments - add yours
UPDATE 29 Oct: WE WON our section! …… We’ve become a finalist in the 2010 Magazine Cover awards! I worked with New Zealand Geographic Magazine to create a special image to showcase our threatened New Zealand Falcon.
I’m very proud of the image and how NZ Geographic treated it. Obviously other people agree and of course, I’d love it to win the title. If you agree it would be great to get your vote here: http://www.themaggies.co.nz/vote-now/ (and there’s a $5 discount incentive on subscriptions). Fingers crossed.
September 25th, 2009 § 3 comments - add yours
Fresh in from Auckland today:
I did a range of shots of our rare New Zealand native Falcon recently that I’m really proud of. M&C Saatchi and St Matthew’s Church teamed up and used one of my shots to impress upon Guinea Pig owners (and other pet lovers) the importance of pet blessing.
No Guinea Pigs were hurt in this design! The full technical story of this film shoot is recorded here. Other falcon photos can be seen here. But please check out this shot below – one of my favourites. A click will show it in full size glory.
July 5th, 2009 § 16 comments - add yours
It was a privilege to work with the rare and little know native New Zealand Falcon this month… New Zealand Geographic Magazine were running a feature on the rare NZ falcon, but didn’t yet have the wow shot to sell the story, so asked if I’d have a crack at it. Knowing that these birds are amongst the fastest on earth, very cryptic, and not particularly large meant that a challenge lay ahead. I love a tough assignment that pushes thinking beyond the norm; the satisfaction of success is very sweet. Here is part of the result: