We just received photos of another of Rob’s amazing iconic native NZ Falcon (Karearea) photos committed to skin permanently. We’re blown away how this tattoo has come out, and honoured to have Nick Aston consider using it.

Here’s a look at
the other tattoo, and here are some of Rob Suisted’s
amazing NZ native falcon images. This series of NZ falcon images has had some
interesting uses by the way!
It was a privilege to work with the rare and little know native New Zealand Falcon this month… New Zealand Geographic Magazine were running a feature on the rare NZ falcon, but didn’t yet have the wow shot to sell the story, so asked if I’d have a crack at it. Knowing that these birds are amongst the fastest on earth, very cryptic, and not particularly large meant that a challenge lay ahead. I love a tough assignment that pushes thinking beyond the norm; the satisfaction of success is very sweet. Here is part of the result:

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