October 24th, 2017 §
A huge project has taken much of our time lately. This remarkable exhibition about NZ’s National Parks has opened in Beijing, China, carefully created by Landscope DesignLab at Lincoln University and driven by Dr Mick Abbott

Over 60 of our images were used in the exhibition, and many of them produced in large mural dimensions.
We work hard to create massive image files for large murals like this, from medium format digital cameras, often professionally stitched to make very large image files that are far superior to normal files. It’s a terrific honour to have those efforts recognised like this:

Shots from the opening are below (btw, that’s a photo of me by the tent, freezing bits off to get the dawn):
International exhibition murals
Exhibition murals
Check out feedback we’re recieved from some of our mural clients.
PHOTO CREDIT: The Museum of Chinese Gardens and Landscape Architecture.
May 19th, 2009 §
Write up of our 2009 Fiordland Expedition posted originally titled as “Where’s Wally? Live satellite tracking of Rob’s remote Fiordland expedition for 2009” post.
The trip was fantastic. Lost about 5kgs/12lbs from sweat and toil…would have been more if the weather hadn’t done its best to muck us up. So, what was the trip all about? Once a year a ballot is run to allow folks to chase Wapiti deer in a remote part of Fiordland. We happened to get lucky in the very popular ballot, so set off into this seldom visited part of New Zealand, seeking in the least to get some great photos.

A unique part of the trip was that I carried a new SPOT personal satellite tracker unit that allowed people to follow us in real time on google earth, as well as an emergency backup with our mountain radio set.
We had quite a following after our original post. So, here’s the write up about the trip…..
Below you’ll find the final annotated GOOGLEMAP of our trip you can play with, filled with our satellite transmissions and photos of the locations. Waypoints are numbered so you can figure which way we went (#1-266). Click on the camera icon’s for photos and further info. Zoom the map below in to see everything and more photos (use ‘+’ or ‘-‘ on top left), and drag map around with your cursor…..
Click to View Fiordland Wapiti exped 2009 in a larger map. *Recommended
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May 5th, 2009 §
Do you feel it? That sense of impending gloom as we say goodbye to autumn
and plunge headfirst into winter. Are you longing for some small reminder of Summer to get you through?
Don’t worry we have the solution, so just sit back and relax and take a seasonal tour through the Nature’s Pic Images website. We have a great keyword search available on the website, which provides a really simple and effective way of finding images related to a specific theme, for example SUMMER ….. > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
April 21st, 2009 §
We just love this photo of a cheeky little Kea investigating

What's for lunch?
a tramper’s pack, and are delighted that it has earned itself a place in postcard history. Craig Potton Postcards has added this image to its high quality range of postcards and we couldn’t be more pleased.
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March 14th, 2009 §
Starting out with a favourite image taken especially for my next book project.

Mount Ngauruhoe panorama
Twas taken on the coldest morning of the winter, after a chilly night in the tent perched on the side of Mt Ruapehu….
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