A couple of weeks back I spoke to Evan’s Bay Pre Shool. Not my normal speaking audience, but it turned out to be a rich experience. I got more than I bargined for. The clincher was when Courtney said that “the kids often played at what you do for a job”. It keeps giving; the kids just delivered me a thank you card. Thanks to you all; I now have it hanging in my office.

Thank you card from Evan's Bay pre school
Have a read about my visit here. It’s got a couple of cute photos and I wrote about why it was such a nice morning. |
 Rob talking to the kids |
The kids ran their own photo competition and are proud of the results. Here’s a nice comment.
 Kids photo competition |
“The only way to divine happiness is by helping others” is a saying I heard years ago.
Last week I was asked to talk at a pre-school. My initial thought was that I didn’t have time to prepare and do it, and anyway, being used to speaking to adults, what would 3-4 year olds get out of it?
Courtney from Evan’s Bay Preschool said, “these kids love playing at what you do for a job – they’d love you to visit”. I remembered the saying above and reconsidered; and was very pleased I did.
I took along my polar outfit and… > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
Please welcome our guest blogger Aliscia Young, who had a chance to join Rob on a helicopter photo shoot over the Marlborough Sounds. Aliscia is a very talented New Zealand documentary photographer specialising in nature and fashion photography, and has a BDes Hons 2008 from Massey University. Rob was interviewed by Aliscia during her study and has watched her work develop. There was an opportunity for Aliscia to join Rob on a commerical aerial film shoot for Tourism New Zealand. Here are Aliscia’s thoughts…
Check out some of her work below. She has exhibited at 5 Stories High Gallery, Wellington and if you’d like to see more of Aliscia’s work or get in touch, please email: lightroom.exhibition@gmail.com. Thanks for the kind words Aliscia!

The other day Rob invited me to join him to photograph from a helicopter around the top of the South Island. The night before we set out Rob said, “forgot to ask if you’re okay with flying. Doors will be off and it’ll be up and down and all over the place…good fun.” Thank goodness I don’t experience flying sickness, I thought to myself… > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >