Photographer of the Year finalist again

September 9th, 2021 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Finalist in the Photographer of the Year again with this frame recently taken to illustrate sea level rise.

“While documenting sea-level rise, Rob Suisted attempted to create an image that showed the built environment under attack at the coast. “Hence the focus on the dynamic battle of textures and energy in the foreground,” says Suisted, “while homes sit above as benign observers seeming oblivious to the changes happening.”
NZGPClick to go vote for your favourites amongst some outstanding work now

A Very Good Week – Finalist in 2 National Awards

August 11th, 2014 § 1 comment - add yours

Finalist in the New Zealand Post Book Awards, AND Finalist in the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year Awards in the same week. Very proud about that. Please give us a vote in the Public choice awards
NZ Post Book Awards UPDATE: We WON! Have a lookNew Zealand Awards Finalist Rob Suisted

Thank you.

NZ Post Book Awards 2014 Finalists – Molesworth Station Book in!

July 23rd, 2014 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

We’re excited to say our Molesworth Station Book (created with author Harry Broad), has been selected as a finalist in the New Zealand Book Awards for 2014.

Molesworth Station Book cover

NZ Book awards finalist - Molesworth Station Book

Please cross your fingers for us, we’re up against tough and worthy competition. The public can vote, and we hope you chose to vote for Molesworth (vote here now).

If you’re interested you can view behind the scenes story and video of photographing the Molesworth Station Book.

2010 Magazine Cover Awards. We’re a finalist so far

September 20th, 2010 § 3 comments - add yours

UPDATE 29 Oct: WE WON our section! …… We’ve become a finalist in the 2010 Magazine Cover awards! I worked with New Zealand Geographic Magazine to create a special image to showcase our threatened New Zealand Falcon.

New Zealand Geographic Magazine Cover this month

New Zealand Geographic Magazine cover finalist in 2010 awards

I’m very proud of the image and how NZ Geographic treated it. Obviously other people agree and of course, I’d love it to win the title. If you agree it would be great to get your vote here: (and there’s a $5 discount incentive on subscriptions). Fingers crossed.

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