MOLESWORTH STATION, stories from New Zealand’s largest high country station, has been a 2 1/2 year journey with author Harry Broad, attempting to create a book that does Molesworth Station justice. At 500,000 acres the station is bigger than Stewart Island, and contains one of NZ’s biggest cattle herds. Here’s the first glimpse of the cover of the book, due for September release.

The name of Molesworth has huge national recognition, not only because it is our largest high-country station, but also because of the remarkable story of how, from the early 1940s, the legendary manager Bill Chisholm rebuilt a ruined landscape and turned it into a flourishing and profitable farm. Molesworth covers an area greater than Stewart Island, and is in every sense a working farm, home to one of the country’s largest cattle herds… > > > Continue reading : full post + comments > > >
UPDATE 29 Oct: WE WON our section! …… We’ve become a finalist in the 2010 Magazine Cover awards! I worked with New Zealand Geographic Magazine to create a special image to showcase our threatened New Zealand Falcon.

New Zealand Geographic Magazine cover finalist in 2010 awards
I’m very proud of the image and how NZ Geographic treated it. Obviously other people agree and of course, I’d love it to win the title. If you agree it would be great to get your vote here: (and there’s a $5 discount incentive on subscriptions). Fingers crossed.

We’ve just implemented mouse-over tooltips on the thumbs in our Nature’s Pic Images New Zealand stock photos website, after a couple of suggestions from users. 
So we’d LOVE your honest feedback.
The pros and cons as far as we can see are:
They make browsing heaps quicker
They stop people clicking thumbs to get full information and options (such as similars or related images, print ordering etc), and it might just annoy a whole lot of people.
Try a sample page. We’d appreciate any comments you have after using in the comments box below! Update: We’ve just rebuilt them based on your feedback, so many thanks. Any further comments are very welcome.
Best regards, Rob & Janette