Commissioned photography, Rob Suisted, Wellington, New Zealand

February 28th, 2011 § 3

Commissioned commercial photography is something I really enjoy.  It’s time to make a dedicated website for the commissioned side of my photography business.  I’ve been privileged to work with some top clients, on some truly challenging and great jobs around New Zealand over the years.  This new website showcases some of that work and touts for more.

Rob Suisted commercial photography, Wellington, New Zealand

Rob Suisted commercial photography, Wellington, New Zealand. Click the image for a visit.

I’ve worked across an immensely diverse suite of photographic projects: from remote aerial filmingAntarctica & the Arctic, editorial photographic work for magazines and books, portraits (corporate or candid), travel photography, working with animals and children, and even filmed emotions. 

Experience has taught that the only constant in photography is uncertainty (every job is unique and different)  and that drawing from a diverse range of experience and ‘tricks of the trade’ while adding in fresh ideas is the key to figuring out and excelling at the next photographic challenge.  I love it and will be doing more alongside my Nature’s Pic Images business.

I’d love to get your feedback on version 1.0, or hear any bright ideas you have to make it better.  Thanks.

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