Well, printing is finished and we’re counting down until bookshop release date 9th November 2009. I couldn’t find a good reason not to share the cover with you. So here it is:
Update: Internal pages added to view below.
I’m really proud of this book – my seventh to date. This one is key – it’s my heartfelt work and showcases favourite places and images. Click for a large view. I’ll give you a sneek at some pages shortly if you want.
I have a hope, and tiny suspicion, that it’s going to make a few Kiwis teary eyed. Actually this arrived 2 minutes ago from Kara of Herkimer Coffee in Seattle when I showed her last week:
“Thanks so much for sharing your book with me. Ian and I were taking a look. This is a must, your pics are ah-mazing! We were about in tears, oh the beauty!..”
I’d love to hear your reaction if you’d care to leave a comment below… Thanks, Rob
Update 22 Jan 2010: We now have signed copies available for supporters. If you’d like to consider a copy, have a look here
Hi Rob,
I fully understand that you are proud of this book.
Your photos give tranquility and warmth, they are great!
The atmosphere is so difficult to transfer into one picture and you can like no other.
Also in Dutch eyes were tears on seeing the preview, thanks Rob for sharing this with me on board of the PAII, it was very special.
Go ahead and do what you really love.
Thanks Kitty. It was great to meet you and share so many laughs – like the ‘happy marriage cake’ and the ‘date loaf’ on Vigur Island, Iceland. Remember to always have the date loaf first! Please stay in touch, esp. if you’re travelling to these parts again. All the best, Rob
So, here’s the first preview of an internal page. Two lovely panos in MacKenzie Country (Lake Ohau) and Mt Aspiring National Park.
Got my actual hands on an advance copy today. Very proud of the quality and content, and getting excited to see it in bookshops come November.
Actually it is ‘O’ for Awesome. Definately something to be VERY proud of!!!!!
Well, here are another few of pages to get a feel from:

An amazing book Rob!!I’ve been searching for ways to describe your style! Your photos seem to bring us into these incredible landscapes in the ‘mind’s eye’ – almost as though the photographer was never there! No self conscious stylistic footprint remains! Looking forward to the next one.
All the best!
Hi Kevin
Thanks for your lovely comments. You know I find it hard to describe my style, and in fact have almost given up trying. For me it’s about being good enough to capture the sight before me and try to convey what I feel. Unfortunately photography and my skill will always fall short of the real thing, but the key is to keep a passion in trying and that’s what I do. Hopefully it’s that respect and love of our wildplaces that is my style? Who knows? Thank you for venturing to describe it. I’d love to hear how others would describe it too.
Hi Rob
I have not known your work for long but I first saw an article of you in North&South magazine from my partner’s mum as Christmas present and ever since, I’m in awe of your work.. The tranquility, the beauty of NZ landscape’s feels so real in your book… Great great work!
All the best..
Hi Jules
Thanks for the compliments. Makes me pleased and proud when others feel what I feel about our landscapes. Thanks for sharing. Rob
My Ol’ Gun Tramping Mate Rach sent me this for my birthday (late I might add). Anyway it is amazing and I like the ones with tents and trampers in especially.
Re: p.33 Travers Peak. Where is this taken from? I have been sitting here (in Israel, the Middle East that is where I live now) with my 30 year old Nelson Lakes Nat Pk 1:80 000 map trying to figure it out. It maybe does not go south enough?
Hi Margaret. Thanks for the nice words and pleased one has made it all the way to Israel for you (albeit late)!
The image on pg 33 might be south of the border of your map as suggested. It’s very close to the summit of the Lewis Pass. Foley’s Spur from memory.
So, thanks for the comment, and hope to see you over here someday. Do you have any trips planned yet?
A-ha! – after several e-mails back and forth with Rach she found this link http://tramper.co.nz/?5155 which shows the photograph not to be of the Travers I was thinking of (which is in Nelson Lakes NP)…tho’ probably the same Mr Travers !
I am loving looking through your pics Rob. Have spent hours here already it seems. Good luck with the cattle on the 20 and hope to see best one of the Serengeti scene on the lawn yesterday.