My NEW BOOK. A sneak peek at the cover…

September 27th, 2009 § 13 comments - add yours

Well, printing is finished and we’re counting down until bookshop release date 9th November 2009. I couldn’t find a good reason not to share the cover with you. So here it is:Majestic New Zealand Book by Rob Suisted

Update: Internal pages added to view below.

I’m really proud of this book – my seventh to date.  This one is key – it’s my heartfelt work and showcases favourite places and images. Click for a large view. I’ll give you a sneek at some pages shortly if you want.

I have a hope, and tiny suspicion, that it’s going to make a few Kiwis teary eyed. Actually this arrived 2 minutes ago from Kara of Herkimer Coffee in Seattle when I showed her last week:

“Thanks so much for sharing your book with me.  Ian and I were taking a look.  This is a must, your pics are ah-mazing!  We were about in tears, oh the beauty!..”

I’d love to hear your reaction if you’d care to leave a comment below… Thanks, Rob

Update 22 Jan 2010: We now have signed copies available for supporters. If you’d like to consider a copy, have a look here

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