Splashbacks – adding nature to our homes

December 8th, 2017 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Sharing a few recent client photos of installed glass splashbacks in kitchens and bathrooms that we commonly do.

We especially love the NZ kelp seaweed cell structure image used in a shower splashback (bottom left). Click on image for a closer look:collage_w

And currently we’re working on a very large 5 metre wide kitchen splash back that we think is a stunning use of graphics. Can’t wait to see final images of the install. A link to the image is here: https://www.naturespic.com/newzealand/image.asp?id=52320
Thermaseal_w It’s a massive file, over 190 megapixels, being a join of 5 medium format digital camera files, so will easily go the nearly 5 metre span at a close viewing distance (a critical factor with kitchen splashbacks). Click on image above for a closer look.

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