A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you all

December 24th, 2009 § 4 comments - add yours

I’d like to wish you all a very happy festive holiday and the best for the New Year. 

Santa's Post Box in Nuuk, Greenland

It’s been a tough year for some.  Let’s hope 2010 is a great year for all. 

I’d really like thank the people I’ve worked with and for this year.  We’ve done some great things and this year has been a beaut.

I was lucky enough to visit Santa’s homeland this year. I’m standing beside his postbox. Seriously, this is where all letters go that are addressed to Santa in Greenland.

In Greenland, I also managed to visit a spectacularly scenic little town called Uummannaq on the west coast of Greenland, and walked overland to a remote bay where Santa has his summer house, a little sod hut maintained by the locals. Be assured that I put in a good word for you all, and if you’re of the Christmas persuasion, you’ll be blessed with the season’s best.

Kind regards,
Rob Suisted

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