BIG beautiful SUPERGRAPHIC murals

March 5th, 2025 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Been producing a lot of supergraphic grade photographs for recent massive mural installations at super high quality, for close viewing distances.

We specialise in this work by shooting high aspect ratio panorama files from numerous high resolution files stitched together.  A recent one was 26 metres long – an aspect ratio of 1:11 height to width! That’s dealing with the top of the pyramid of images – very few files can go this size.  Luckily we have many panoramas in stock that can, often made from 6+ high res files stitched for maximum quality.
Here’s the crazy 26 metre wide install (link to the original photo). Photo file was well north of 1000MB in size:

And a beautiful HUGE boardroom graphic (original image link here):
Another huge supergraphic scale mural install – this one at 13 metres wide. Again very few files can handle this high width to height ratio.  You definitely wouldn’t want to take a traditional format file and crop it to this aspect ratio, throwing most of the data away, before having to enlarge to massive size – more top of the pyramid file selection needed here. This one was shot on medium format digital camera with multiple frames stitched.  Both of the above were printed and installed by the folks at Frosted Glass by Design. Here’s a link to the original file




And an interesting recent install onto a boardroom sectional door for a maritime based company. You can’t see here, but the whole decor of the wider zone hangs off the mural hues.




Splashbacks – adding nature to our homes

December 8th, 2017 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Sharing a few recent client photos of installed glass splashbacks in kitchens and bathrooms that we commonly do.

We especially love the NZ kelp seaweed cell structure image used in a shower splashback (bottom left). Click on image for a closer look:collage_w

And currently we’re working on a very large 5 metre wide kitchen splash back that we think is a stunning use of graphics. Can’t wait to see final images of the install. A link to the image is here:
Thermaseal_w It’s a massive file, over 190 megapixels, being a join of 5 medium format digital camera files, so will easily go the nearly 5 metre span at a close viewing distance (a critical factor with kitchen splashbacks). Click on image above for a closer look.

Tui Black photo success

July 9th, 2015 § 0 comments, Add the 1st

Congratulations to George Bettle and his family; their house was a finalist in Home Magazine’s Home of the Year competition.  Clearly a lot of remarkably good design went into it, and we’re chuffed that they selected one our images (Tui Black) to grace the main living space.

Tui Black in Home of the Year finalist, 2015. Photo courtesy of Simon Devitt & Home Magazine

Tui Black in Home of the Year finalist, 2015. Photo courtesy of Simon Devitt & Home Magazine

The photo was is a result of harsh side light and dark forest behind, and a bit of luck.  It’s a stunning frame and has created a lot of interested, so clearly George Bettle is a trendsetter, finding it first.

Tui Black ©Rob Suisted -

Tui Black ©Rob Suisted –

Thankshome-magazine-cover200 to George Bettle, Simon Devitt and Home Magazine for the opportunity to showcase some of the large mural work we do.  Due to the interest, we’ve now made it available as a high quality artwork that can be ordered here: Check out feedback we’re recieved from some of our mural clients.

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