Doug Avery climbing dry drought parched hills in the lowest rainfall area in NZ, beside Lake Grassmere, the southern most evaporative saltworks in the world. Bonavaree Farm, Seddon, Lake Grassmere, Marlborough (54280QF00)

December 16th, 2016 § 1

Doug Avery climbing dry drought parched hills in the lowest rainfall area in NZ, beside Lake Grassmere, the southern most evaporative saltworks in the world. Bonavaree Farm, Seddon, Lake Grassmere, Marlborough (54280QF00)

Doug Avery climbing dry drought parched hills in the lowest rainfall area in NZ, beside Lake Grassmere, the southern most evaporative saltworks in the world. Bonavaree Farm, Seddon, Lake Grassmere, Marlborough (54280QF00)

§ One Response to “Doug Avery climbing dry drought parched hills in the lowest rainfall area in NZ, beside Lake Grassmere, the southern most evaporative saltworks in the world. Bonavaree Farm, Seddon, Lake Grassmere, Marlborough (54280QF00)”

  • Dave says:

    hi Rob – might want to buy this image of Doug Avery for a story about him in NIWA’s magazine. Is this possible? How much $?
    cheers + Merry Christmas!

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You're reading Doug Avery climbing dry drought parched hills in the lowest rainfall area in NZ, beside Lake Grassmere, the southern most evaporative saltworks in the world. Bonavaree Farm, Seddon, Lake Grassmere, Marlborough (54280QF00) at Nature’s Pic Images Blog.
