Marg Baynes & daughter Ingrid Smith (left) set a world shearing record together in 2009. Here tuning gear, with champion shearer and husband Rowland Smith behind, Wairoa, Wairoa (54095QF00)

December 16th, 2016 § 0

Marg Baynes & daughter Ingrid Smith (left) set a world shearing record together in 2009. Here tuning gear, with champion shearer and husband Rowland Smith behind, Wairoa, Wairoa (54095QF00)

Marg Baynes & daughter Ingrid Smith (left) set a world shearing record together in 2009. Here tuning gear, with champion shearer and husband Rowland Smith behind, Wairoa, Wairoa (54095QF00)

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You're reading Marg Baynes & daughter Ingrid Smith (left) set a world shearing record together in 2009. Here tuning gear, with champion shearer and husband Rowland Smith behind, Wairoa, Wairoa (54095QF00) at Nature’s Pic Images Blog.
